Covid-19 2.0. International Law and the Protection of the Right to Health in Cyberspace: A Perspective from Ecuador

Keywords: Cybersecurity, Covid-19, Human Rights, International Law, Health Care


The purpose of this article is to explore the opportunity offered by the Covid-19 crisis in Ecuador to interpret international human rights law and international humanitarian law to protect the right to health, and also health-care systems in cyberspace. Through a descriptive methodology that allows a comprehensive analysis of the issue from a legal point of view, this article: synthesizes the main international debates on the scope of the protection of the right to health under the international human rights law against cyber threats; studies the protection that international humanitarian law provides to citizens and health-care systems; and examines Ecuador’s situation, as a country facing several challenges in the application of the necessary policies to ensure the protection of the right to health and health-care systems. The article concludes that the legal developments in both sectors have not managed to establish means of protection which are acceptable and effective, with clear obligations for States in cyberspace to protect individuals and health-care systems. Additionally, it argues that the gaps in international law regarding the protection of health in cyberspace are exacerbated in Ecuador by a discursive dissonance between foreign and domestic policy, with an impact on the protection of the right to health.


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Author Biographies

Martín Tamayo Serrano, London School of Economics and Political Science (Reino Unido)

Máster en Derecho (LL.M.) con mención en Derecho internacional público por London School of Economics and Political Science (Reino Unido). Especialista Superior en Derechos Humanos por la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito, Ecuador). Abogado por la Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador). Analista en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana del Ecuador.

Víctor Calderón Merino, FLACSO (Quito, Ecuador)

Magíster en Relaciones Internacionales con mención en seguridad y derechos humanos por FLACSO (Quito, Ecuador). Diplomado de Postítulo en Transparencia, Accountability y Lucha contra la Corrupción por la Universidad de Chile (Santiago de Chile). Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Salamanca (España). Experto 2 en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana del Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Tamayo Serrano, M., & Calderón Merino, V. (2020). Covid-19 2.0. International Law and the Protection of the Right to Health in Cyberspace: A Perspective from Ecuador. Ius Humani. Law Journal, 9(2), 389-420.