Let’s Talk About the Right to Stilling Alive

  • Hernán Olano García La Sabana University (Bogotá, Colombia)
Keywords: Person, Euthanasia, Human Dignity, Abortion, Fundamental Rights


With the objective of highlighting the value of the fundamental right within the fundamental rights, according to the Political Constitution of Colombia (and other constitutions) and, within its line of research in history of the institutions-I, the author makes some reflections on the right to life , Following a deductive methodology, according to the most important aspects that both the doctrine and the jurisprudence have contributed to structure the article in several sections such as: (i) its sacredness, (ii) a right to death?, (iii) the ontological dignity of the Life and (iv) the day of life, which recognizes the protection of this right of every person, as the foundation and end of the whole just social order. The principal conclusion is the sacred and juridical value of human life, endowed with transcendence in the positive ordering by its natural origin.


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Author Biography

Hernán Olano García, La Sabana University (Bogotá, Colombia)

Doctor en Derecho Canónico, Magíster en Relaciones Internacionales y Magíster en Derecho Canónico y especialista en Bioética, Derechos Humanos, Derecho Administrativo y Gestión Pública, Liderazgo Estratégico Militar, Gestión Ambiental y Desarrollo Comunitario y Derecho Constitucional. Director y Profesor del Programa de Humanidades en la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad de La Sabana.


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How to Cite
Olano García, H. (2016). Let’s Talk About the Right to Stilling Alive. Ius Humani. Law Journal, 5, 209-216. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.31207/ih.v5i0.111
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